I speak with Tim Rademacher on creating the world's first tweeting tree.
Back to PodcastS2E1 — Creating the Tree That Is Live-Tweeting Climate Change with Tim Rademacher of @awitnesstree
September 1, 2021
This week, I am joined by Tim Rademacher, a postdoctoral scholar of technology and trees, to discuss how he created the Witness Tree social media project at Harvard Forest, how a tweeting tree can help reconnect humans to nature, why forests carry more information than we currently make use of, and his hope for the future of climate communication.
Produced by Studio Noord Gestoord.

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S1E10 — How to Map and Catalogue Every Plant Species on Earth by 2022 with Eric Ralls of PlantSnap & Earth.com
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S2E2 — Creating the World's First "Talking Tree" Tour that Changed a Neighbourhood with Puck van Dijk of Play Productions