I speak with Eric Ralls on his AI-powered plant ID app with the mission to map every plant species on Earth by 2022.
Back to PodcastS1E10 — How to Map and Catalogue Every Plant Species on Earth by 2022 with Eric Ralls of PlantSnap & Earth.com
June 30, 2021
This week, I am joined by Eric Ralls, Founder & CEO of PlantSnap and Earth.com, to discuss how a chance encounter with a mystery plant in his friend's backyard led to the idea behind PlantSnap, what technologies have made PlantSnap's 650,000 plants and 475 million+ image database possible, how a revolutionary partnership with the world's largest botanic gardens organization will complete their global citizen science project, and of course, what Eric's favourite plant is.
This podcast is brought to you by the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform, an innovation of the Connecting Nature project (Grant Agreement No. 730222) under the European Community’s Framework Program Horizon 2020. Produced by Little Red Flames.

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S1E9 — Harnessing Google Street View Imagery to Map Urban Greenery with Fábio Duarte of MIT Senseable City Lab
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S1E1 — Mobile Mapping Data, Deep Learning Algorithms, and a Little Bit of Faith to Automatically Detect Urban Trees with Dirk van Riel of TreeTracker