S5E5 — Does Good Health Grow on Trees? with Vivek Shandas of CAPA Strategies

May 3, 2023

I speak with Vivek Shandas about urban forestry as a public health intervention.

This week, I am joined by Vivek Shandas, Professor of Climate Adaptation at Portland State University and founder of CAPA Strategies, a global climate consulting firm, to discuss how urban forestry can revolutionize the way we think about promoting health and wellness, why it's different from the traditional "ecosystem service" model, and how it can appeal to non-traditional stakeholders, such as general physicians, health departments, educators, and the wider community.

This podcast episode is brought to you by PlanIT Geo.

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S5E6 — Where Have All the Young Urban Foresters Gone? – And How To Get Them Back with Leslie Berckes of Society of Municipal Arborists