
Getting Started with Smart Tech for Nature-Based Solutions

A community workshop to kick off the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform.

The Internet of Nature: it’s a “Big Idea”, whose time has come. Current and upcoming technology makes it conceivable. This is the time to start a large-scale initiative that will yield results over the course of the next decade. The lack of consistent, reliable, and precise data on urban forests and green space is an increasingly challenging obstacle across municipal planners and urban ecologists/researchers. They know it should be possible and long for the information to comprehensively manage their urban ecosystems. To kick off the "Smart Tech for Nature-Based Solutions" community on the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform, we hosted a workshop to help tech-driven nature-based solutions practitioners. It was a fast-paced, highly interactive workshop. For privacy reasons, only the introduction and conclusion was recorded.


Connecting Nature

My Role

Keynote, Webinar, Subject Matter Expert


I am really thankful to you for organizing such a wonderful and informative workshop "Getting started with Smart Tech for Nature-Based Solutions". Everything was planned and organized so well. I really enjoyed the participatory learning approach which gave us the opportunity to learn and exchange ideas and information with other participants. I really hope and looking forward to attending more workshops organized by you.

Samira Nazir, Workshop Participant

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